Sunday 14 September 2014

home work

im going to make a bike dirt jump

the jump i have made is small ski jump for long air time not high to get speed i went down our drive way and hit it in fouth gearto make it strong i use a small bits of wood to make the lip stronger so it dosent fade in on the sides of the jump then i put dirt.i used the wheelbarrow to get the dirt from the holes i dug about 10 away from the jump.I used about 4 wheelbarrows of dirt on my jump.I compresded the dirt by rolling my frount tye of my bike over and over again so it wouldent fall apart and that shaped it to that was how i made my jump and i used  a broom and rake so it was nice and smooth with no bumps.

2 week later 
it was a lot more harder it went dry because of the sunny days and there has been no water it would be good for it if i put some water on it and put some more lose dirt and then after that i would start to make a landing for it 

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