Thursday 20 March 2014

Swimming Recount Blog post
WALT: identify area of need from writing sample feedback and make a conscious effort to improve that area.
SC: Co-constructed
- paragraphs if a focus
- Punctuation that you don’t normally use
- similes and vocabulary that you dont normally use - thesaurus
- Ideas - simple to complex. Lots of detail.

my focus is..detail and spelling.

this photo show the year 8 boys starting an intece race. they dived in like flying was like a herd of elephents. derron lost his balance??and fell into the chilli cold the end it was all very close but cody took it out.

the second photo shows the red ami resting and talking to frends on the we know it was a boiling hot day it felt like we were right by the sun.

the third pic shows the year 8 boys competitively competing to the you can see cody is about to have a pain full day ahead of him.

Wednesday 5 March 2014


TELLING LIES by Tricia Glensor 

"Telling Lies" is based on a true story set in World War Two.  It is the story of a New Zealand soldier who was fighting for England against Germany.  During an air raid his plane got bombed down.  He parachuted out of his plane and landed in France, which had been taken over by Germany.  

A family rescued him and protect and hide him from the Germans.
It was a really dangerous decision to help a British soldier.  The book tells us about how the family got him back to England.
I like this book because it made me realise how Lucky we are without war, and I like it because it was really intense through the whole book.  There were many times he almost got killed and that made it even more exciting. what part of the ending of the book stays in my mind when he made it back to the uk.


Monday 3 March 2014



On Tuesday we had our first tech class for 2014 we did music with Miss Story. We used three different instruments -ukulele, guitar, and key board. On the guitar we were given a sheet of notes to play.The guitar was a lot harder to play because i am left handed.I enjoyed the ukulele because it was a lot smaller and it made more finger space.

On Wednesday we carried on with music. Miss Story assessed  us with guitar and the key board.I got more familiar with the keys and the cords.We didn't do ukulele but we did something even better. We went on a apple computer and went on Garage Band. Its when you have a keyboard and make lots of defect effects with the computer.

On thursday we use garage band but this time we had to make a 20 sec long add based on the crunchy bar. So me and Carmon decided to do one based on rapping.So i read out the liras about the crunchy bar and Carmon did all the efets and beats  and stuff like that.I liked garage band because u can do so many sounds and bests.also with garage band you can keneted the key board to it and youcan play songs on the key board but ot sounds like drums.that what we did to day.   

on friday miss story assessed me again on the key board and the ukulele i was getting the hang of it. but i wasent vevy good on the key board. also at the end of the session we had to rite about what sage we think we were and miss story rited a coliment on how we did