Monday 3 March 2014



On Tuesday we had our first tech class for 2014 we did music with Miss Story. We used three different instruments -ukulele, guitar, and key board. On the guitar we were given a sheet of notes to play.The guitar was a lot harder to play because i am left handed.I enjoyed the ukulele because it was a lot smaller and it made more finger space.

On Wednesday we carried on with music. Miss Story assessed  us with guitar and the key board.I got more familiar with the keys and the cords.We didn't do ukulele but we did something even better. We went on a apple computer and went on Garage Band. Its when you have a keyboard and make lots of defect effects with the computer.

On thursday we use garage band but this time we had to make a 20 sec long add based on the crunchy bar. So me and Carmon decided to do one based on rapping.So i read out the liras about the crunchy bar and Carmon did all the efets and beats  and stuff like that.I liked garage band because u can do so many sounds and bests.also with garage band you can keneted the key board to it and youcan play songs on the key board but ot sounds like drums.that what we did to day.   

on friday miss story assessed me again on the key board and the ukulele i was getting the hang of it. but i wasent vevy good on the key board. also at the end of the session we had to rite about what sage we think we were and miss story rited a coliment on how we did  

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